Job Description
The incumbent is responsible for supervising Detention Officers and ensuring compliance with prescribed operating procedures for the safety and security of detainees at the Centre. 
Key and Critical Responsibilities
<ul><li>Supervises Officers working in a shift system performing duties for the care and custody of detainees and the security and safety of staff and the facility. </li><li>Ensures that arms, ammunition, keys and other related items are properly secured and reviews weekly returns of these items submitted by Detention Officers.</li><li>Conducts daily inspections of the facility to ensure that the stipulated standards for the treatment, security and supervision of detainees are being maintained. </li><li>Admits and discharges detainees in accordance with established procedures. Submits reports on activities at the Centre. </li><li>Certifies documents submitted by subordinates in connection with operational matters. </li><li>Investigates allegations of misconduct and breaches of policies and procedures by staff and/or detainees and submits appropriate recommendations. </li><li>Supervises emergency response teams in situations of crisis (detainee disturbances, riots, escapes, etc.) </li><li>Supervises the team of officers conducting investigations with a view to arresting detainees who escape from the Centre. </li><li>Monitors and evaluates the work of subordinates. </li><li>Performs other related duties.&nbsp;</li></ul>
Key Competency
<ul><li>Training in Public Safety and Security or Corrections from a Protective Services Institution or any accredited institution. </li><li> Ability to function efficiently in a volatile, stressful work environment.&nbsp;</li><li> Ability to operate radio controls, and use restraint devices and other similar paraphernalia. </li><li>Ability to perform physical activities for the control and supervision of detainees including standing and/or walking for long periods, lifting and/or moving heavy objects, and exerting force to subdue combative detainees.&nbsp; </li><li>&nbsp;Ability to analyse situations objectively, and quickly determine the proper course of action to be taken. </li><li>Ability to work independently and as a member of a team.&nbsp;</li><li> Ability to work long hours, and also at nights, on weekends and on public holidays. </li><li>Ability to ensure the confidentiality of privileged information. </li><li>Written and verbal communication skills at a level commensurate with the responsibilities of the position.&nbsp;</li><li> Proficiency in Microsoft Suite.&nbsp;</li></ul>