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The Agricultural Development Bank of Trinidad and Tobago (ADB) specializes in development financing for the agricultural sector. Its holistic approach to providing the best financial solutions that nurtures investment and entrepreneurship across the entire agri-food chain and in all aspects of agriculture. The Bank uses its knowledge and over 55 years experience to create a portfolio of innovative and comprehensive financial products and services. These are uniquely tailored to meet the diverse needs of farmers and other agri-entrepreneurs consistent with sector development and Government’s mandate given to develop the agricultural sector.
Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago ("the Authority") is a statutory body established by the Airports Authority Act, No. 49:02 of 1979. The Authority falls under the portfolio of the Ministry of Works and Transport. The mandate of the Authority is to develop and manage its airport estates, including the development, maintenance and improvement of its facilities, so as to ensure the availability of efficient, secure and safe aviation services and commercial viability. Both the Piarco International Airport (POS) and the ANR Robinson International Airport (TAB) are managed and operated by the Authority. Our strategic focus continues to be one of delivering high quality customer service and aviation facilities to all of our stakeholders.
The Office of the Auditor General is an independent office. The Auditor General, in accordance with section 117 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is appointed by the President of the Republic after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition and shall hold office in accordance with section 136 of the Constitution. In serving the people of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, the Auditor General must audit and report on the public accounts of Trinidad and Tobago and of all officers, courts and authorities of Trinidad and Tobago and is also empowered to carry out audits on financial statements of all state-owned or controlled enterprises. The Reports of the Auditor General must be submitted annually to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate and the Minister of Finance. (Sections 116(2) to (4) of the Constitution).
Caribbean Dockyard & Engineering Services Limited (CDESL) and also known as CARIDOC, is now State Owned by the National Marine & Maintenance Services Company Limited (NMMSCL) under the Ministry of Works and Transport, Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GORTT). Our ship-repair facility located at Port Chaguaramas, is strategically positioned, to grant easy access to major transportation hubs, making it the ideal choice for efficient and convenient marine ship repair services (routine maintenance, emergency repairs, extensive overhauls, and logistics requirements). We are ISO 9001:2015 certified, and our facility boasts highly skilled team of experts that have successfully assisted numerous global clients with their vessel repairs/berthing and logistics requirements.
A Division within the Ministry of National Security.
The Elections and Boundaries Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (the Commission/EBC) was established under section 71(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago for the purpose of registering voters, conducting high quality elections and reviewing the boundaries of all electoral districts. The Commission regulates its own procedures and shall not be subject to the direction and control of any other person or authority.
In March 1995 the Environmental Management Act No.3 was passed. The Act established the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) and provided for its composition, administration, financing and role. The Authority began operations in June 1995 and now facilitates cooperation among Government Agencies, NGOs and community-based organisations. The EMA is mandated to write and enforce laws and regulations for environmental management, to educate the public about the nation’s environmental issues and to control and prevent pollution, as well as conserve natural resources.
The Equal Opportunity Tribunal is a limb of the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago. It is the only anti- discrimination court in the English speaking Caribbean established by Equal Opportunity Act Chap 22:03 and headed by a Judge of equal status of the High Court. The Tribunal adjudicates and determines complaints of discrimination, victimization and offensive behaviour.
Vision- To be internationally recognized as a leader in providing innovative and affordable services and solutions for citizens of Trinidad and Tobago. Mission- To expand the supply of affordable and quality rental home-ownership opportunities through building safe communities for the families we serve, thereby improving quality of life for residents. Core Values Excellence - The HDC must go beyond doing its best. It must adhere to the highest standards in all aspects of its operations, and demonstrate an ability to do so consistently.
The National Information and Communication Technology Company Limited’s (branded iGovTT) mandate is to provide the Government of Trinidad and Tobago with ICT consulting and support services for its ministries, departments, divisions and agencies. iGovTT is the implementation arm of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the Ministry responsible for the administration and execution of the Government’s enterprise-wide ICT strategy. The company focuses on both small and large-scale Government ICT projects that support the movement toward e-Government and Trinidad and Tobago’s overall ICT development. iGovTT acts as the custodian of two major platforms; ttconnect and GovNeTT. Essentially a series of shared services and common platforms, these solutions form the basis for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Government Service delivery. The impact of these improvements therefore extends far beyond Government to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago who are ultimately the recipients of government services. The Company is resolutely guided by its vision: “To be the premier ICT solution provider to GoRTT, enabling efficiency, increasing productivity and transforming the delivery of government services to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.”
The Land Settlement Agency (LSA) was established by an Act of Parliament No. 25 of 1998, and commenced formal operations in 1999. The LSA now falls under the purview of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. Its mandate is to ”protect eligible squatters from being ejected off State Lands; to facilitate the acquisition of leasehold titles by both squatters and tenants in designated areas and, to provide for the establishment of land settlement areas”.
Our Vision To deliver value for money services through strategic alliances for sustainable development of the region. Our Mission To enhance the quality of life in our community through effective stakeholder consultation, education and provision of value for money services. Core Values Service Of Distinction Teamwork Personal Commitment
The mandate of the Ministry of Digital Transformation is a new way to address the end to end consumption and delivery of goods and services to customers, using appropriate digital technology. Our three pillars of delivery are Digital Society, Digital Government and Digital Economy. Our core values are capacity development, responsiveness, hope, trust, credibility, transparency and participation. We have the passion and resources to build a digital nation for our youth, our undeserved communities, our citizens and visitors, the national treasury and external and internal stakeholders.
The Ministry of Finance is a government agency whose mandate is to facilitate revenue collection and revenue management; budget planning, preparation and management; the formulation and promotion of national fiscal and economic policy; trade facilitation and border control; debt management; and the management of the State Enterprises Sector. The Ministry also implements balanced macro-economic fiscal policies and initiatives, that facilitate the expansion and diversification of the economy, ensures fiscal sustainability; and that is responsive to the global environment.
The Ministry of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs strives to be a “service-driven, results-oriented organisation, which, through effective engagement at home and representation abroad, will act as a central channel by which the national interests and national development of Trinidad and Tobago are achieved.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban Development is at the forefront of the government’s public social policy, charged with providing adequate housing to the population, and the development of urban environments. Indeed, the national development strategy, Vision 2030, names housing as a right of citizens. In relation to the first development theme of Vision 2030 – “Putting People First”, the goal for housing is for “citizens to have access to adequate and affordable housing”.
The Ministry of National Security operates under three general areas of responsibility: Maintenance of Law and Order, Public Safety and Defence against Aggression; Management of Disaster Preparedness and Relief; and Monitoring and Control of the flow of persons into and out of the country.
The Ministry of Public Administration is charged with the task of partnering with other Government Ministries and Agencies to improve the quality of service provided to all citizens. We are continually improving the way work is done in the Public Service so that we can bring government services closer to all citizens.
The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government functions as the coordinating agency which guides Municipal Corporations and Special Purpose Enterprises in assisting communities by pooling resources in targeted areas which include among others Infrastructure Development, Disaster Management, Public Health and Sanitation.
The Ministry of Social Development and Family Services (MSDFS) is the core social sector Ministry with responsibility for coordinating the implementation of Government’s social and human development objectives to address the social challenges of poverty, social inequality and social exclusion.
The Ministry of Sport and Community Development seeks to build our nation’s human capital through the development of athletic talent and community life in Trinidad and Tobago. This new Ministry represents an ever-important intersectionality of community life and physical activity. The vision for this new ministry, will therefore be to maximize the interconnection of the three divisions -Physical Education and Sport, Community Development, and Mediation, to reap the fullest benefit for all citizens. The Ministry’s mandate will be supported by the three state entities under its purview, the Sport Company of Trinidad and Tobago, Self Help Commission and the Export Centres Company Limited.
As one of the frontline Ministries within the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) is leading the drive to position Trinidad and Tobago as a manufacturing base, and the business, trade, and financial hub of the Americas. The Ministry’s core responsibility is to grow trade, business and investment, particularly through driving the non-energy sectors of the economy. As the pivotal agency for trade promotion and development, MTI manages and coordinates the trade process to ensure access to international markets for companies located here.
The National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) is a special purpose state enterprise, which was established by the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in 2005. NIDCO develops and implements large-scale physical infrastructure projects in the transportation, water management, land, and environmental protection sub-sectors. The primary services provided by the Company are project management, procurement management, and management of marine transportation services
The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Agency was established on August 17, 2007 and is the lead Agency within the Governments framework with responsibility for enforcing and promoting compliance with the OSH Act of 2004 (as amended). The Agency is a multi-stakeholder advisory body to the Ministry of Labour.
The Office of the Prime Minister provides unstinting support to the Prime Minister in executing his constitutional responsibilities to Trinidad and Tobago. The vision statement of the Office of the Prime Minister is to be the hallmark of excellence in the Public Service.
The Office of the Prime Minister provides professional and other support to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet and is responsible for co-ordinating the implement of decisions taken by the Prime Minister and Cabinet in order to ensure and promote the effective and efficient conduct of business of the Government.
Palo Seco Agricultural Enterprises Limited (PSAEL) is a wholly owned State Enterprise aligned under the Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries. Our mandate is to upgrade and develop communities as well as to assist Ministries in the implementation of large scale physical infrastructure work. Our services include: Project Management Estate Management Property Maintenance Agricultural Management Vision Statement: A profitable organisation benchmarked for quality service and supported by competent and motivated employees. Mission Statement: Transforming communities by providing quality service in the development and implementation of infrastructure and property management solutions.
The Personnel Department is the Department of Government with responsibility for determining and/or advising on pay and other terms and conditions of service for a wide spectrum of employees within the public sector. Established by the Civil Service Act of 1965 (now Chapter 23:01 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) the Department determines, through consultation and negotiation with appropriate recognised associations and unions, the terms and conditions of service for: Monthly paid officers of the Public Service; Monthly paid officers employed in Statutory Authorities subject to the Statutory Authorities Act Chapter 24:01; Daily rated workers employed in Government Ministries and Department, the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) and Municipal Corporations.
The Princes Town Regional Corporation (PTRC) is one of the fourteen Municipal Corporations established in 1990. Our Mission To ensure the effective delivery of municipal services to the burgesses of Princes Town Regional Corporation so that they lead quality productive lives. Our Vision Princes Town Regional Corporation’s vision is to serve and develop the region of Princes Town so that burgesses receive municipal services that are second to none. Our aim is to make the region beneficial for burgesses, attractive for investment and enjoyable for visitors. We can do this if we work together in nurturing, protecting, and proudly promoting the unique and diverse resources of Princes Town and Environs.
The Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) is the nations principal body for conducting and advising on the accreditation and recognition of post secondary and tertiary educational and training institutions, programmes and awards. ACTT was established as a body corporate by Act Chapter 39:06 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in 2004 and the organisation was launched in November, 2005.
The Legal Aid and Advisory Authority of Trinidad and Tobago has been in existence for forty-six (46) years. The Authority was established by the Legal Aid and Advice Act Chapter 7:07 (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”), on the 1st July, 1976; “…to make legal aid and advice in Trinidad and Tobago readily available for persons of small or moderate means, to enable the cost of legal aid or advice granted to persons to be defrayed wholly or partly out of moneis provided by Parliament, and for purposes connected therewith”. The Authority provided Legal representation in the Magistrates’ Court, High Court and Court of Appeal of Trinidad & Tobago by a lawyer assigned by the Legal Aid & Advisory Authority.
The National Commission for Self Help Limited (NCSHL/Commission) is a state enterprise mandated to nurture and develop a culture of self-help and self-reliance within communities and to facilitate the promotion, design and implementation of self-help projects throughout Trinidad and Tobago.
The Office of Procurement Regulation (OPR) is a body corporate established pursuant to an Act of Parliament, namely the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015. The Act aims to provide for public procurement, and for the retention and disposal of public property in accordance with the principles of good governance, namely accountability, integrity, transparency, and value for money and to promote local industry development, sustainable procurement and sustainable development. Though the Act was assented to on January 14, 2015, it comes into operation on a date to be fixed by the President by proclamation. However, to allow for the establishment of the OPR, the appointment of the Members of the Board, the performance of certain key functions of the OPR, and the drafting of Regulations, the Act was partially proclaimed by way of Legal Notice 150 of 2015.
Established in July 2017, the Tobago Tourism Agency Limited (TTAL) has oversight for the strategic marketing of the destination, product development and innovation, as well as cruise and airlift. The Agency therefore sets the agenda for the development of a more vibrant, viable and sustainable tourism industry, leveraging the island's resources to deliver a higher quality of life for residents and unique and authentic experiences to visitors.
The Trinidad and Tobago Association for the Hearing Impaired (TTAHI) was established as a statutory organization by the Act of Parliament 53 of 2000. The purpose of the Association is to improve the quality of life of the hearing- impaired in Trinidad and Tobago by establishing schools; facilitating and encouraging the employment of the hearing-impaired; operating services for the diagnosis of, and programmes for research into hearing impairment; monitoring the incidence and investigate the causes of hearing-impairment in Trinidad and Tobago; providing counseling and psychological support for the families of the hearing impaired; organizing courses of instruction for hearing persons to facilitate their communication with the hearing-impaired; and to do such other things that may be necessary and expedient for the attainment of the purpose.
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) was established by an Act of Parliament known as the Police Services Act, Chapter 15:01 of the Laws of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The Services is headed by the Commissioner of Police who is appointed by the Police Services Commission. The Commissioner is empowered under the Police Service Regulations (2007) to issues administrative order called Service Standing Orders for the general control, direction and information of the service. Additionally, the Motto of the TTPS is to protect and serve with P.R.I.D.E.
TTT Limited is a wholly-owned State Enterprise providing broadcast, production and transmission services for audiences in Trinidad and Tobago, the region and internationally. We do so via our: 1. Flagship free to air television station broadcasting on channels 9, 13 and 20 2. Three radio stations on the FM frequency Talk City 91.1FM, Next 99.1FM, and Sweet 100.1FM; and 3. Online platforms - TTT Live Online, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (now X)
In keeping with the Government’s overarching mandate to digitize operations within state organizations, the T.P.R.C with the support of IGovTT has developed and implemented a Digital Employment Register. Effective immediately, employment hopefuls are able to access the Corporations employment register via the following the EMPLOYTT platform. After successful submission, all information will be saved to the Corporation’s database and when vacancies become available, suitable applicants will be contacted. This much welcomed technological advancement ends an antiquated practice of requiring citizens seeking employment at the Corporation to leave their homes, brave the weather and repeatedly sign a physical employment register. The implementation of EMPLOYTT is the first step to our multipronged initiative geared toward increasing access and the ease with which members of the public able to conduct business with the Corporation. N.B Please note this is just an Employement Register.