Job Description
The incumbent is required to support the delivery of forensic sciences by assisting the Custodian in planning, organizing and directing the activities of the Custodian Unit including the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the National Forensic DNA Databank in accordance with the Administration of Justice (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Act 2012. The incumbent is also required to perform the duties of Custodian Manager in the absence or incapacity of the Custodian Manager.
Key and Critical Responsibilities
<ul><li>Provides support to the Custodian Manager in managing the activities of the Unit, including work related to the establishment, implementation and maintenance of the National DNA Databank.</li><li>Assist in establishing minimum standards, guidelines and policies for operations of the National Forensic DNA Databank.</li><li>Assist the Head of Unit in monitoring the operation of the National Forensic DNA Databank in accordance with international best practice.</li><li>Conducts searches of the National Forensic DNA Databank in accordance with the Administration of Justice (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Act 2012.</li><li>Submits recommendations to the Head of Unit to be included in annual report on the operations of the National Forensic DNA Databank in accordance with relevant&nbsp; legislation.</li><li>Represents the Head of Unit at court by giving expert testimony on matters related to the National Forensic DNA Databank.</li><li>Represents the Unit at workshops, Conferences and Meetings&nbsp; on related matters.</li><li>Expunges DNA profiles from the Forensic DNA databank as authorized by the Custodian Manager.</li><li>Drafts Reports on the operations of the Custodian Unit.</li></ul>
Key Competency
<ul><li>Considerable knowledge of the Administration of Justice (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Act 2012.</li><li>Working knowledge of IT Database Management System.</li><li>Working knowledge of Quality Management.</li><li>Knowledge of court procedures</li><li>Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office Suite.</li><li>Ability to write clear and concise reports.</li><li>Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with representatives of client agencies and other members of staff.</li><li>Ability to observe and maintain confidentiality in the performance of duties.</li></ul>